I thought it would be nice if we each shared a memory or two of growing up in the Butler Family.
I'll start... We all know Dad has a funny sense of humor. Well, growing up, we didn't do stockings for Christmas that I remember. For some reason, I would always put one out anyway (it was a gift from a friend) hoping that I would find something in it on Christmas morning. One year, I came up and saw it sitting on the fireplace bulging with CD's. I couldn't believe it! I was so excited. Mom and Dad had really surprised me with a special treat that year. I went to look through them and try to decide which one to listen to first. As I started looking, the realization sunk in. They were all my own CD's that I already owned. It was all a funny joke on me. Mom and Dad still get big laughs from that experience to this day. I have to admit, looking back, it is pretty funny. That wasn't the end of it, though. One year I found a "roller ruler" that Dad had gotten suckered into buying at the Puyallup Fair. One year I found some cans of S&W Vegetables and Fruit because I always complained about how annoying their commercials were. It actually became funny waiting to see what "fun" thing Dad was going to dig up to put in the stocking each year. I can already see that I have inherited this sense of humor. I'm pretty sure some of the other kids have, too. I seem to remember something about Lorri and Tracey putting together a big, long treasure hunt for the grandkids with promises of a big reward at the end. I don't know if the Book of Mormon they found was what the kids had in mind. Another fond memory I have is of my 12th birthday. It was the first year I opened my birthday card to find a 100 dollar bill! I was so excited to get that money on top of all the presents and everything! I still look forward to that money each year. It was even better when I turned 20 and they upped it to $500. That, along with the $1000 they give me at Christmas each year has really been great for me get some fun things. I'm sure you all feel the same. So, as the favorite child, I just want to thank Mom and Dad for all their generosity.
Okay, I got us started. Everyone else needs to share their memories now....